Thursday, November 20, 2008

Abigail enjoying her broccoli

Abigail is "eating" quite a few foods now. I say "eating" because it is mostly "playing" and sucking on the food. She sure does enjoy it though! We waited until 6 months, and her first food was avocado. Since then she has had carrots, green beens, squash, egg yolk, honey dew, chicken, cucumber, apple, and toast. She is still getting probably 99% of her nutrition from breast milk.

Lest you think we are too healthy, I will share this picture I snapped as I was giggling at the opposites attracting. (And no, Abigail doesn't get the ice cream!)

1 comment:

marcie favelo said...

I hope this one says "grammie" before she says broccoli!!!
You are such good parents, these kids are great.