Sunday, October 18, 2009

Praying for a baby.

Giving God the glory. Would God get more glory if I were real and open and allowed friends to share with me in my journey, all the ups and downs and triumphs of Faith and all of the ways that God shows Himself faithful, or if I keep everything inside - because it is safer that way?

We are wanting another baby. We have been for a long time. Wanting, praying, aching, hoping, wishing, desiring, begging, longing. We are trusting God, trusting Him completely.

For those that are close to us, you know we would love to have a large family. We see children as a blessing from the Lord and would like to have as many as He blesses us with. This has been our desire since the beginning. Abigail is 18 months old this month. I am ready and wanting to be welcoming another baby into our family.

We are open to adoption, but don't feel God leading us in that direction at this point. I am just rambling here, but as I was talking with the Lord today, I felt a nudging to make this known. To make it known, so as to make Him known as we trust and follow Him. We praise Him if He chooses to bless us with another baby, we praise Him if He chooses not to. We pray that He would give us another child. We pray for His will to be done. I ask for you to pray along with us.

We have peace, contentment, and trust. Yet we have longing. I am thankful for this time, as it is causing me to draw closer to the Lord, and to have a bit of increased empathy for others who have heartaches, pain or longings. In the scheme of things my ache is so small. We are so very blessed. I am thankful beyond measure for my two beautiful children. They are a delight.

I am laying my desires at the feet of Jesus. Sitting at His feet. Praying for less of me, and more of Him. That's all for now.

*Please know that if you are expecting, or just had a baby, I am thrilled for you. No need to feel awkward or walk on egg shells here. Our family rejoices with you.*


Elvira Clay said...

Thank you so much for sharing...keeping you in my prayers. Your children are so blessed to have you as their mommy!

Dorina Gilmore said...

Thanks for your open & transparent heart. We will be praying with you guys on this journey. We are excited to see where God takes you!
The Gilmores

The Home Grown Family said...

Lifting you before the throne of GRACE . . .

<3 Charity
for the Callis Family

The McCracken family said... I see you know the Callis family, or at least they visited your blog. Talk about a family who delights in more babies! We've enjoyed getting to know them better recently. Thank you for sharing your heart, Heather - and Doug. We'll pray along with you. May God bless your home abundantly.
(the word verification below: "imedfide" -- so, something about faith... hmmm, let's see: I meditate on His faithfulness. Howz that?! :-)

The Smiths said...

Thank you for sharing you heart Heather. It's always been so beautiful to me. You are such a beautiful person and have such a servants heart. We will be praying for you guys.

The Smiths

Anonymous said...

I was just noticing we tried to get together about a year ago and never was able to. I saw your blog. We were very much in a similiar situation. Greg, my husband, is a cancer survivor - diagnosed two months before we were married. Because of chemo we were told we probably would not have any children of our own. Seven years later we had our daughter. Six years later we brought home our son. The birth mother found us and she was so far along in her pregnancy we could not even legally adopt him for a year - there was so much paperwork. We missed his birth by two minutes and took him home the next morning. With no more legal authority than babysitters. He is now six. Through all this we shared with our community the ups and downs and because of their prayers we consider them our miracle children. God's gifts to us. Blessings to you in this journey.

The Favelos said...

Thank you all for commenting! Thank you for the prayers! Wow Barb, wonderful story, God is good!