Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wiindex can be dangerous...

We had a block party here last weekend and it was a lot of fun. It was something we had been wanting to do for a while - to get to know all of the neighbors better. Finally God gave us the nudge to make it happen. We had about 20 people here, and it was really neat getting to hang out with them, share a meal and swap stories. Our neighbors who are Indian brought really yummy/spicy "curry fritters" (I can't remember what they are really called). We had prizes for the person who had lived here the longest, lived in the most states etc.

Noah had a lot of fun running around and playing with all of the kids. Until... he thought that the sliding glass door was open and decided to go inside. Only problem was the door was closed, I had just windexed it and normally it has all kinds of little kid fingerprints on it. So anyways he went full speed into the glass - ouch! He is tough though - only took him a minute to get over it. So the moral of the story is: windex can be dangerous - use with caution! :-)

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